Team Drive is a shared storage where all the files for your team are securely stored and accessible to every member. It provides a centralized location to store and organize files, allowing for efficient collaboration among team members, clients, stakeholders, and other individuals involved.
You can get started with Team Drive by upgrading your Rakuten Drive for Teams plan. The account subscribing to Rakuten Drive for Teams plan becomes the team owner, and the Team Drive is shared with all team members, maintaining the same folder structure.
Drive types
My Drive: This is your personal space that is not shared with the team by default. However, you can invite others to a Shared Folder if you wish to share files with them.
- Personal Folder: These are folders that only you can access and edit. If you invite others to a folder, it's no longer private.
- Shared Folder: When you share a folder, others can review or edit files within it. The recipient needs to have a Rakuten Drive account and log in to your account to view or edit files. The level of access to Shared Folder depends on the permission you have granted to the person you are sharing with.
Team Drive: This allows all team members to share each file or folder within Team Drive with one another.
- Team Folder: Team Folder functions similarly to Shared Folder, but Team Folder Creator can set access permissions for Team Folder. Additionally, you can invite people outside of your Team Drive to join a Team Folder to share files. (▶︎ How to create and share Team Folder)
- All Team Members Folder: All team members on Team Drive have access to this folder.
- Specific Members Folder: Only specific team members you choose can access this folder.
- Just for Me Folder: Only you can access this folder.
- Team Folder: Team Folder functions similarly to Shared Folder, but Team Folder Creator can set access permissions for Team Folder. Additionally, you can invite people outside of your Team Drive to join a Team Folder to share files. (▶︎ How to create and share Team Folder)
Team Drive Member Roles
Team Member: Any account that belongs to Team Drive. Team members can share files and folders within Team Drive.
Team Owner: The account subscribing to Rakuten Drive for Team plan becomes Team Owner. Team Owner is the top-level team admin with full control of Team Drive, so the team owner cannot transfer privileges to another account. It is strongly recommended to create a separate account for Rakuten Drive for Team plan.
Team Admin: Team Owner can grant Team Admin privileges to team members. Once granted Team Admin privileges, Team Admin gain access to the Admin Console, which allows them to manage and monitor team members, as well as configure settings. While Team Admin possesses administrative permissions, they do not have the same level of authority as Team Owner.